St. Galler Wirtschaftsethik
Researchers of the Institute for Business Ethics at the University of St. Gallen are engaged in the academic and public discourse on business ethics for close to three decades.
It has always been and continues to be a significant characteristic of the St. Gallen Institute for Business Ethics to inquire in depth into underlying paradigms. Terms like justice, responsibility, sustainability, and an integrative notion of economic rationality are considered sincerely and seriously.
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Institute this book has been brought out with unusually discursive elements providing a lively and interesting debate. What are the demands placed on business ethics as a research field and how can business ethicists contribute constructively to addressing the challenges we face today are the guiding questions of this volume.
The Humanistic Management Center is privileged to have been asked to contribute to this book. The title of the short paper we wrote is: “Business and human rights – welche Haltung sollen wir wollen” (Business and human rights – What attitude should we want?).