Please find below the links to our previous Annual Humanistic Management Conferences.

The 2023 Eleventh Annual Humanistic Management Conference took place on the 27th October 2023 hosted by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Nagpur, India.

The 2022 Tenth Annual Humanistic Management Conference took place online on the 24th of November 2022. The theme was Collaborating for Impact.

The 2021 Ninth Annual Humanistic Management Conference will take place online and is brought to you by our Chapters from around the world on the theme of Solutions.

The 2020 Eighth Annual Humanistic Management Conference took place on November, 4. – 6. It was our first conference held fully online

The 2019 Seventh Annual Humanistic Management Conference took place on October, 10. – 11. in Krakow, Poland, hosted by the Jagiellonian University.

The 2018 Sixth Annual Humanistic Management Conference took place on October 1st – 2nd in Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore), India, hosted by CMR University.

The 2017 Fifth Annual Humanistic Management Conference took place on October 5th – 6th in Tübingen, Germany, hosted by the Weltethos Institut.

The 2016 Fourth Annual Humanistic Management Conference took place on October 13th – 14th in Tübingen, Germany, hosted by the Weltethos Institut.