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The main topic at our May Humanistic Management Network Internal webinar was “The future of work – on fears and hopes”. The meeting started with a short information considering Artificial Intelligence and introduction of the panelists: Anna Suchocka, Kemi Ogunyemi and Carlos Largacha-Martinez. The meeting was divided in two parts: presentations by speakers and short Q&A.

Anna Suchocka was sharing results of her research about remote work in Polish public sector. In the beginning, before the pandemic both employees and employers felt good with it; situation changed slowly with deevaluation and depratiation of remote work. Anna underscored the new, important need for sensitivity on the “user” side in the age of inevitable technological progress and postpandemic liquidity of reality.

Kemi Ogunyemi did a presentation considering her and Adaora I. Onaga’s book “Responsible Management of Shifts in Work Modes – Values for a Post Pandemic Future“, in which she pointed out the blurr between office and home time, efficiency of the employees work and how it’s connected with their well-being. Talking about the shift of the values, she asked how to translate the culture to the remote models in ethical, considerable way.

Carlos Largacha-Martinez considered both hopes and challenges rising from the usage of Argumented Intelligence – AI that needs to understand the valuses, ethics and be created with human centred focus. Accenting the difference between the organizational flourishment and the happiness, he pointed out the synchronisity and mutual help that such coexistance can give.


The meeting was attended by 35 people from 7 countries (Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Quatar, Nigeria, South Africa, Japan).


Report authors: Maria Pieniazek & Jakub Wydra.


This research was funded by the Priority Research Area Heritage under the program Excellence Initiative – Research University at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.