The 2020 Eighth Annual Humanistic Management Conference will take place online and is brought to you by our Chapters from around the world.
Our 2020 conference will be different from our previous conferences as it will be our first online conference and the driving force behind this year’s conference format are contributions by our Chapters from around the world. We wanted to make productive use of the circumstances and turn a challenge into an opportunity. So if we cannot be together in one place at least we can virtually be in all the places where our community is active. Consequently this year’s conference theme, Unity in Diversity, has a dual connotation.
On one hand we want to use the decentral character of the online format to celebrate the diverse and rich community that forms the Humanistic Management Network and unites our members behind our shared purpose. We, the Humanistic Management Network, show Unity in Diversity. On the other hand we find our world increasingly divided with ever more voices tuning in to toxic narratives of division, exclusion, suppression and aggression. We know these narratives are unable to guide us towards any desirable outcomes; we know that that which unites us is much bigger, stronger and more relevant than that which separates us. So we will show during this conference that there is Unity in Diversity and how business can exercise agency to embrace and promote diversity to the benefit of all stakeholders involved.
We are most grateful to our partners, sponsors and donors for supporting us with the technology needs and organizational efforts to enhance your conference experience that we are happy to bring to you free of charge.
To provide you with a valuable conference experience we have built an interactive program spanning three days to offer you keynotes, workshops, paper sessions, panels and even online networking opportunities. While our 2020 Annual Humanistic Management Conference is brought to you in a different way, it is still delivered in the same spirit of providing you with a rich and fun conference experience.
Come join us at the 2020 Eighth Annual Humanistic Management Conference – together we make impact towards a more sustainable and more equitable planet.
On behalf of everyone at the Humanistic Management Network we look forward to welcoming you.
The Conference Organizing Committee
Please welcome with us outstanding speakers delivering impactful messages in service of our shared endeavor to show unity in diversity for a more sustainable and more equitable planet.

Markus Glatz-Schmallegger is teaching social- and economic ethics and is an organizational coach with his own company www.valUse.at
The conference will run over three days commencing on November 4th at 9am CET and closing on November 6th 7pm CET. To provide an interesting, fruitful and fun conference to our speakers, guests and delegates we have built an exciting program for this conference that will be delivered fully online this year. You can view the full program in the conference guide, the abstracts of the academic papers that will be presented, a short introduction to Humanistic Management and other information under the links below.
Below you can find a set of summary videos from the individual conference sessions
Opening Session: Welcome to the 2020 Humanistic Management Conference – Unity, Diversity and Humanistic Management
Qatar Contribution: Lessons from the Falah Economy within Islamic Business
Poland Chapter: Part 1.: HuMA -Humanistic Management Archive of cultural activity during pandemic times 2020. Part 2.: Digital inclusion? Cultural participation during the pandemic
Colombia Chapter: Part 1.: In Search of an Inclusive Purpose in Life Part 2.: How to be Inclusive and Diverse in Purpose Driven Companies
Japan Chapter:The Era of Well-being and Sustainability: Japanese corporations experience of Covid-19 and SDGs
Austria Chapter: Business as Unusual: Sustainable Development Goals
India Chapter: Decoding New Education Policy 2020 -The Roadmap for Inclusive Development
Global Session: Building Inclusive Workplaces
Nigeria Chapter: The Role of Leadership in Advancing Diversity
Brazil Chapter: Learning Leadership through Biographical means
China Chapter: Confucianism and Humanistic Leadership in China
UK Chapter: Leading in a Crisis
Global Session: Business as Agent for Diverse and Inclusive Societies
South Africa Chapter: South African companies’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: What should we maintain, improve or abandon?
The Humanistic Management Network is most grateful to our sponsors and partners who share our passion for working towards a more sustainable and more equitable planet. Without their generous support this conference would not be possible. If you are interested in joining forces please do get in touch with conference@humanisticmanagement.network to discuss tailored partnership options.

The Humanistic Management Center (HMC) is a think tank, learning institution and advisory firm supporting organizations in transforming towards a humanistic management paradigm.

Regional College of Management Bangalore is a long standing partner of the Humanistic Management Network that is focused on preparing students to excel in their career as confident, motivated and dynamic individuals with strong values.

The Institute of Social Ethics ISE undertakes research and teaching contexts in social ethics including scientific reflection on the ethical dimension of social contexts, challenges and issues. Institutions, structures, and systems.
We are truly happy for the support we are receiving from organizations that share our passion for a humanistic management paradigm.

Association for Management Education and Development (AMED) is a long-established membership organisation and educational charity devoted to developing people and organisations.

The Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina-AREANDINA, is a 35,000+ students inclusive University in Colombia, with campuses in three main cities and virtual national coverage. In Central America we have two campuses in Panama and Costa Rica. We are part of the Ilumno Network.

CMR University aims to promote and undertake the advancement of university education across a plethora of disciplines engineering, management, architecture, law and other allied sectors of higher and professional education.

The Deep Institutional Innovation for Sustainability and Human Development (DIIS) project sees clear evidence that current social institutions are not optimal, either for human flourishing or for addressing global challenges.

Doshisha University is one of the most prestigious universities in Japan today. Established in 1875, it is one of Japan’s oldest private institutions of higher learning, and has approximately 30,000 students enrolled on four different campuses in Kyoto

GWC is a global platform for people to share, learn, inspire each other and empower others, with a vision to enable every woman to contribute to a better world.

Humanists UK is a national charity and campaigning organisation. Through its ‘Humanists in Business’ network, it provides support to people in the workplace who may have a humanistic worldview and seeks to promote an approach to business and management aligned with humanistic principles.

Ignite provides a platform that connects like-minded people, especially students, businesses and speakers through our conference and the content we provide on the topics of leadership, company culture and organizational design.

Cultural Organization Research Institute – IBOK: The goal of the association is to conduct research in the field of culture and to support management processes in organizations related to creative activities, cultural education and heritage.

IIHMR University is a specialized research University in management research, postgraduate education and training in the health sector. The University aims to generate new knowledge and technologies to provide evidence and inputs for developing effective policies and health interventions and strategies.

India CSR is India’s largest repository of information and knowledge on CSR that offers networking and promotion opportunities of CSR innovations and success.

Institute of Culture of Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland teaches and explores culture management, media management and humanistic management in the spirit of contemporary culture.

Light for the World is a global disability & development organization, breaking down barriers to enrich society and unlock the potential in all of us.

MaREI is a leading Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine research and innovation co-ordinated by the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) at University College Cork.

New Delhi Institute of Management (NDIM) was founded with the Vision of being a global learning hub, a unique gurukul to nurture courageous global change leaders through holistic, transformative and innovative learning.

Nexusvesting assists companies that are committed to strengthen fragile economies and help stabilize conflict-prone environments.

Nottingham University Business School China is committed to shaping the future of responsible business and management in an increasingly inter-connected world.
This conference enjoyed tireless engagement and support of many members of the Humanistic Management Community.
Organizing Team
- Wolfgang Amman (HEC Paris in Qatar / HMN Board Member)
- Emmanuel Barreto (HMN Switzerland)
- Pingping Fu (Nottingham University Ningbo / HMN China)
- Markus Glatz-Schmallegger (ValUse.at / HMN Austria)
- Mari Iizuka (Doshisha University / HMN Japan)
- Agnieszka Konior (Jagiellonian Universtiy / HMN Poland)
- Carlos Largacha (Areandina / HMN Colombia)
- Satya Mandal (President, RCMB / HMN India)
- Reiya Matsuda (Spohia University, Japan / HMN Switzerland)
- Aura Mbolela (HMN South Africa)
- Kemi Ogunyemi (Lagos Business School / HMN Nigeria)
- Michal Palasz (Jagiellonian Universtiy / HMN Poland)
- Weronika Pokojska (Jagiellonian Universtiy / HMN Poland)
- Ruth Slater (HMN UK)
- Orane Stepczynski (HMN Switzerland) Save
- Shiv Tripathi (IIHMR, India / HMN India)
- Ernst von Kimakowitz (HMN / HMC / University of Lucerne, Switzerland)
Academic Committee
- Aleksandra Jaszczyk (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland; HMN Poland)
- Michal Palasz (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland; HMN Poland)
- Ruth Slater (HMN UK)
- Ernst von Kimakowitz (HMN / HMC / University of Lucerne)
Navigate to previous editions of the Annual Humanistic Management Conference.

The 2019 Seventh Annual Humanistic Management Conference took place on October, 10. – 11. in Krakow, Poland, hosted by the Jagiellonian University.

The 2018 Sixth Annual Humanistic Management Conference took place on October 1st – 2nd in Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore), India, hosted by CMR University.

The 2017 Fifth Annual Humanistic Management Conference took place on October 5th – 6th in Tübingen, Germany, hosted by the Weltethos Institut.

The 2016 Fourth Annual Humanistic Management Conference took place on October 13th – 14th in Tübingen, Germany, hosted by the Weltethos Institut.
For enquiries you can contact us via the contact form below.