The Humanistic Management Network lives, works and acts through its local Chapters and collaborations with our members. Our Chapters drive diverse activities ranging from organizing and hosting events to leading research projects with subsequent publications to integrating Humanistic Management Principles into university teaching. What unites all Chapters is the invaluable service their members deliver to our shared purpose.
If you want to know more about our Chapters and how you can engage please get in touch with the Chapter nearest to you.
Evolving Chapters
The chapters below are still evolving and while we hope they will soon join our community of active chapters around the world, we are also giving each of them the time it needs to develop activities and ourselves the time we need to have a great team in place.
Brazil Chapter
Contact: Kelly Dalben
O capitulo do Brazil considera em sua construção além da troca imediata, uma relação integrada entre conhecimento e prática, entre os valores tangíveis e intangíveis para a contribuição de um novo novo cenário organizacional, mais humano, mais ético, e mais digno.